I was unable to read the original Chinese language novel (my Chinese is around the 2nd grade level, sigh) but did complete the Ten Cent Chinese language mini series, the English translation of the book, and plowed through the Netflix adaptation.
I do agree with the conceptual attempt and the rendering of certain sequences in the Netflix version that were incredibly filmed and, for me, completely fleshed out what I had envisioned in the novel. What was disappointing, albeit necessary from a business/entertainment perspective, was broadening the appeal to an audience outside of China. This included concepts not in the novel or Ten Cent version, such as rampant drug use, multiple intimate encounters, somewhat irrelevant personal psychological debates, generally unbelievable characters within their respective technical fields.
If Netflix was truly bold and the GoT producers had guts, they would have filmed it in the modern areas of China as a juxtaposition to the 1966 depiction. I am certain the majority of viewers would be utterly shocked with Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, or Chongqing today. This would require no CGI. Or maybe just use a scene from a Chinese subway or Maglev station.