Though it takes a few episodes to really start working there is a lot to love about this show. There is no conceivable way that it ever could have lived up to expectations. I mean, it's Steve Carell and John Malkovich in a show created by Greg Daniels. Short of being the best show ever made, it was bound to disappoint some. Malkovich and Carell are both incredible and their chemistry is brilliant. The supporting cast is also very fun and heartwarming.
Slight spoilers ahead...
It takes a few episodes for the chemistry between Malkovich and Carell to really work, but this is clearly buy design. You are meant to experience them feeling each other out. I love how they stop short of fully regurgitating the same ugly tropes the media spills out about right-wing disgust for science and intellectual disgust of conservatism. These are addressed but not in an overly demonstrative way. By the end, their views overlap even though Adrienne is still clearly a liberal intellectual (self immolation!) and Mark is a die-hard military man.
There are a lot of cheap shots at the current administration (mostly hilarious) and it's absurdity. But there are also a lot of points raised about the validity of tradition and the value of believing in something.
One of my favorite (read: LEAST favorite characters) is the media specialist (Ben Schwartz) for the display of his compromised scruples.
Not for everyone and I don't feel like they stick the landing but some brilliant moments and chemistry make this show definitely worth checking out.