Feels like you took all of the negative qualities of firefly, and just went with that. Not to mention even firefly looked better, which is a much older show.. When you really grind this show down, what you have seems to be a soap opera set in space with a few blown up bodies peppered througout to sell the "halo" part of this latest sightless cash grab. Lately studios have learned that we as consumers buy into the I.P. of shows and movies before the quality. Now, in at max a year the large majority of people defending this show will admit its disappointment in the quality of writing, world building, and vfx in general. The writers could have simply saved themselves a majority of complaints by writing about an unknown team of Spartans,adding depth to an already fleshed out world, but master chief is quite literally and very obviously just in the show to sell it.
Overall this show falls flat already by the first episode, not many ways this show can turn it around, generally shows start good then turn bad , so I'd be very surprised if this show can do the opposite.