This Korean drama is an adaptation from a webtoon. It is not for the faint hearted. However, it does take you through a spiritual journey which is worth watching. It goes through all the emotions, from being on the edge of your seat, turning away in disgust, heart warming, to tears. It's a good lesson that despite the challenges and difficulties life throws at you, to live is so precious and sometimes we don't see the beauty or gift that we have which is right in front of us in different forms. An alternative ending or plot twist would have been good though, perhaps the last was being in the villain as a lesson that there's no second chances. But the ending is happy and brings closure. The actors and actresses are well cast and great at being their characters. The pace of the series with the unfolding stories is very well planned and laid out in my opinion. It maintained my interest and was captivating. A great movie to watch and I had enjoyed it immensely.