Being a big fan of video games, I'm always looking for cool new games for my Nintendo switch, so I have a different variety of video games.
One reason I want super ultimate smash bros is its better than the older versions and has better graphics it's also not violent no blood. According to (Gamekeeper) super smash bros has a huge variety of characters and lives. Also it has different abilities for each character and lots of maps to fight on with friends family or yourself. It has been rated to be one of the top 10 best selling Nintendo switch games. This idea of smash bros has been around for years and is still getting better and more loved each year. This game can be played on Nintendo switch or Wii u or Nintendo s.
Ultimate smash bros delivers a knockout punch of a game. Super smash bros is like a party game when you have had a long day at school or at work you can come home to your switch or other devices and play this amazing smash bros game. This game is for any mood your in it has solo player it has multiplayer so if you want to play with a friend sit down grab a controller and start playing. It has one of the best graphics out of hundreds of games also it is rated ages 10 and up can play this exciting video game. The characters in this game are ca-rectors from so many other video games like kerby giggly puff and Mario etc. This game is not violent you are fighting butt no guns blood swearing inappropriate images this is a save fun game. This game has been around for so many years and has had five different versions of it come out butt the best one is this one ultimate for Nintendo switch the inventors company's name is Bandai Aramco studios and was published and sold bye Nintendo switch.
The Con for this situation is that it’s not a 10/10 and here’s where it loses points, online without the LAN is bad, that’s one third of the endgame, and it sucks because you have to sink more money into the game just to make a mode you already have to pay to access (which in all fairness is way cheaper and it has just as good if not better options than the competitors) function properly. And it’s not the service at fault, it’s the game. Speaking of purchasing, if you want better input speed, you need to either purchase a GameCube or Pro controller (if you don’t already own one) so it feels like if you want to get the full effect of how good you are it almost feels like you need these. This game also is really slow with online games people say that online games take a long time to load or its really glitch y and hard to play with friends online. Butt other wise this game is steal amazing.
Even though many people say this game is rather expensive, i am confident people would really enjoy playing this video game, because of its beautiful art and carters and the stages it has so much variety you could almost never stop.