Ooof, I'm pretty sure this movie was written by a Netflix algorithm to produce a semile of schlock modern horror made by humans with small budgets. For the first thirty minutes it tries to be an uninspired Blair Witch, then pivots to a generic house movie, and then changes up to torture porn horror for the last thirty minutes. I almost forgot to mention that there's random parts that are meant to imply a found footage angle but it doesn't add anything to the story and feels out of place. The characters constantly make the worst possible decisions to the point where you already know they're not going to make it half way through. It's like the script was written with a few movies they wanted to ape in mind and filled in the rest. I don't want to fault the actors too much because they weren't given much to do really, and I hope the one guy gets to play Justin Trudeau some day, the accents were pretty inconsistent.