This has to be one of the worst shows of all time. I watched three episodes and all they do is complain about the country and how bad it is for them. They had a october episode where they claimed they were being evicted because of the virus and the fact they didnt have jobs. First there was a moratorium on all evictions so that was BS! Second with the number of adults living in the house and number of kids, with unemployment and stimulus checks in one month they would bring in over 17,000 dollars. This does not include food stamps. Yet they cry and whine how the goverment is dumping all over them. These writers and actors have no real sense of reality. They complain about people not wearing masks and even the mark (son or daughter im not sure) got in a fight trying to explain the science of a mask. However they go to work at a plant and wear the mask around their neck???? Serriosly watch how the characters will enter a building of work or a house wearing a mask and actually take it off as they walk in. This show is a prime example of do as I say not as I do. This show is full of political lies and and falsehood. And the actors are terrible. Darlene and becky are just script reading. there is nothing funny about the show except how out of touch they are with reality.