"After the Rain" is a Japanese anime series that aired in 2018, based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Jun Mayuzuki. The series received positive reviews for its unique and mature take on romance. Here are some key points that are often praised:
1. **Unconventional Romance:** "After the Rain" explores an unconventional and mature romance between a high school girl, Akira Tachibana, and her middle-aged manager, Kondo. The series delves into the complexities of age-gap relationships and the societal norms surrounding them.
2. **Character Development:** Viewers appreciate the well-developed characters, particularly the lead characters Akira and Kondo. The series carefully explores their backgrounds, motivations, and personal growth, making them more relatable and authentic.
3. **Beautiful Animation:** The animation quality, done by Wit Studio, is often praised for its attention to detail and atmospheric visuals. The use of rain and atmospheric elements contributes to the overall aesthetic and mood of the series.
4. **Realistic Themes:** "After the Rain" deals with realistic themes such as unrequited love, personal growth, and the challenges of navigating societal expectations. The show's portrayal of these themes is often seen as authentic and emotionally resonant.
5. **Music and Soundtrack:** The series features a poignant soundtrack that complements the emotional atmosphere of the story. The music, composed by Ryo Yoshimata, enhances the overall viewing experience.
6. **Subtle Approach to Romance:** Rather than focusing solely on the romantic aspect, "After the Rain" is appreciated for its subtle and nuanced approach to the relationship between Akira and Kondo. The series takes its time to build emotional connections and explores the characters' inner thoughts.
7. **Artistic Direction:** The artistic direction, led by director Ayumu Watanabe, is praised for capturing the essence of the original manga while bringing a unique visual style to the screen. The use of symbolism and visual metaphors adds depth to the storytelling.
8. **Emotional Depth:** Viewers often highlight the emotional depth of the series. "After the Rain" tackles complex emotions, creating a touching and sincere narrative that resonates with the audience.
While opinions on anime can vary, these points represent some commonly appreciated aspects of "After the Rain." If you enjoy character-driven stories with a mature and realistic take on romance, this series might be worth checking out.