Excellent for teaching very, very young children to read. I used it to teach all seven of mly children to read before they were two years old and continued in this series until they read out of the eighth grade reqader. They ended up reading...as older children...thousands of words per minute.
I found out later that people, such as Michelle Obama and her brother, were taught from their mother's lap at a very young age also, and they also from the Dick and Jane series, and they also excelled in later life. These books received muich criticism and their value was greatly misunderstood. I later taught school and used ithis series for my children to bring home as homework, and a child who was consixered to be a non-reader began to read within a week. She couldn't stop reading after that.and became such an expressive reader that I used her as a narrator for a puppet show our class was presenting. She stood in for the other narrator when she was absent and did an excellent job of it.