Steven Universe focuses on young Steven Universe, who is half-human and half alien species Gem, under the care and supervision of the Crystal Gems, comprising Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Steven spends his days training to master the magical powers inherited from his mother, former Crystal Gem leader Rose Quartz, helping his friends and family work through their struggles and emotions, and discovering who he wants to be.
As the series evolves, Steven wounds up using his experiences to stop the reignited invasion of the rest of Gem-kind, Homeworld, who the Crystal Gems defected from and fought against centuries ago.
This is a great show that tackles deep themes, strong emotions, and representation wonderfully, has a very memorable and diverse cast of characters, and has a very interesting plot and story.
The show has excellent, iconic, and easily recognizable music, both instrumental and sung, and the same goes for its background art. Side episodes are almost never a miss and are always entertaining due to the charm, execution, pacing, and general up-beat nature of the show. The voice acting is nothing out of the ordinary, but still serves the show well.
The protagonist is fun and interesting due to his cooperation with the plot as opposed to many protagonists that, while well-written, get old the more you get to know them. He works with the plot rather than causing or driving it, allowing his development and arc to be the focal point of his character.
The rest of the cast all shine in their own unique ways and get balanced spotlight and attention throughout the show. They all have equally interesting arcs and are sure to appeal to you in someway