Lived here for the past 15 years and it is an amazing place to live, i suggest taking walks at night and if these nice young men come up to you and ask what set your repping I suggest saying 63rd I also suggest using slang like smoking that von pack and “sliding on von” and these people will immediately be your friends and this fabulous town offers free shoe cleaning and valet services along with sign language. The fireworks here are unreal but for some reason I never see them in the sky. There are many holes in there houses to let good energy and spirits in another slang I suggest using is “ayo47” and make sure when you first arrive to blast takashi 69 because they love his music and will most likely celebrate your arrival into the neighborhood with some fireworks. If your waking on the sidewalks and see red paint on the ground it’s ok because it is just from the firework powder. And if you want a fun hobby to do i would go around and spray paint cool art designs on the walls