I am appalled at the growing aggressiveness of Sarah Ferguson on the 7.30 Report.Her interview right now with the opposition spokesman on energy is appalling. Constant interruption, a raised voice and aggressive stabbing motions with her pen is not acceptable. She needs a break to regain some sense of balance or at least some basic guidance in turn taking. She has gone too far. Of course politicians need to be kept on message but she now barely allows the person she is interviewing a chance to finish a single sentence Such a sad situation. Once a well informed and intelligent interviewer she has turned into a shrill attack dog. While the opposition's idea that nuclear energy could be introduced on a short time span might be preposterous Sarah's rude abrasive questioning is not conducive to us, the audience learning much if anything, about the Opposition's proposed policy and seems only to achieve a point scoring "I am more informed than you" win/lose waste time situation. Please note I have watched the 7.30 Report ever since its inception
and I'm an ABC Friend. I look to the ABC to give me information from all parties however divisive the issue. I fear the 7.30 Report is going down the same path as Q&A.