Honestly I think its an amazing game that I've been playing consistently for 1 year. the graphics alone deserve an award and i think rare has done an amazing job with this game. if you really are going to give a pirate game a 1 star because of people killing you then it isn't your game. stop being such a baby because a few people killed you in a video game. go play minecraft in creative so you cant get griefed. or go into the arena and get good at pvp so when they come after your loot, you can protect yourself. Don't cry about the game when your not good enough to even fight back. Personally i was killed and had all my stuff stolen many times but the selling the loot and having fun with friends outwaits the few times i was killed by 1000 to 1. its an amazing game that deserves more credit. i met 2 of my best friends on this game and we play together everyday. personally its my favorite game I've ever played. thank you.