I watched the first episode and I was hooked. I could barely contain my excitement to continue the series. I binged and finished season 1 in two days. I do hope that it is renewed, as the end of season 1 leads us to believe. I have read some of the reviews. Many seem to support this series, others downright hate it. A critic seems to be forced to watch it and therefore, begrudges the show if it has any "quirks" that unnerve them. It's unfortunate that the critics panned the show. I can relate to both Kate and Tully, ironically. I can relate to the pain and happiness both actresses convey skillfully. If you happen to read my review, I hope you give this show a chance. At times, suspend disbelief, at other times, get up off the sofa and dance to the tunes that take you back to your formidable years. Thank you for reading.