Want to kill 2 and a half years reading a book where you never want to read 4 pages? Go to sea and this will help and I’m a retired Naval Officer with 22 years. I could have written this much about trying to decide if I liked what they served Wednesday night to Thursday night without even talking about the other five. But then again, when he wrote it he didn’t expect much but after over two years, I’m still. couple thousand miles off coast waiting for something to happen. Someone should arrange to send cases of this book to people in prison for life. Quite frankly as a former English major, THIS is the kind of book that made me a math major at CU Boulder where I learned how to bleed
and later got a Master’s. This book BLOWS!!! I think...I’m still only 548 pages into it!!! Doesn’t the Civil War start somewhere along the line?
December 31, 2020!!! Finished it!!! It was easier to read the Bible front to back, but if you start with the New Testament, it’s fantastic!!! My wife just bought me the movie on Netflix; I think they cut out about 5000 hours but hey, if you’ve ever been at sea and heading west though Honolulu, buy a guitar!!! By the time you get back you’ll know how to play it and fall in love with the first woman who says “Hi”!!! Yo Ho Ho it’s a sailor’s life for me!!!