As a huge Bethesda fan since Oblivion this game is a huge step backwards for them in many ways. If your enjoying or love the game that’s great but not being able/wanting to admit that this game has a ton of problems is disingenuous or just fanboy thinking. I tried for 100 hrs all the way to NG+8 before I said no more never again will I pick this game up. We were completely misled by Bethesda before this game launched about what this game was and what we could do. 1 exploration is complete BS because everywhere you go has already been settled and abandoned by previous people, if you’ve seen what one planet has to offer you’ve seen them all. 2 be whoever you want to be is perhaps the biggest lie they fed us, every choice you are given is an illusion because it all leads to the same path they want you to take. Minus a few faction choices that differ why give 5 different choices in dialogue when it’s all the same outcome? I could go on for 3 more pages but I won’t waste your time but know going into this game that it has many many problems