The movie was well, let's just say not recommended if that is you get mad at other people's decision-making or hate stupid "horror" movies. It definitely had a plot and definitely could have given everyone a lot more logic, like a ton of logic and decision-making skills.
First, what the heck is going on through Charlie's mind? Do you not comprehend what the purge even is? The child is smart enough to make an electronic spying baby, but can't understand literally everything else. He opens the barricades up when he literally grew up with the purge and should know exactly what happens to just let in a random man, he gets mad when his father tries to save his family, and he shines the light like a beacon to the killers. He cares about the random stranger more than his entire family.
Second, Zoey, the boyfriend tried to kill her dad and she still tries to save him. I mean why would he try to kill his lover's dad; what would that solve? Well, to use common sense, absolutely nothing.
Third, the mother, like if you even love your kids that much, you would just do what you have to do to keep your family safe. Feeling "guilty" for something you had to do for the rest of your pathetic life or have your entire family die to complete phycos.
Furthermore, why would the mother let the neighbors live? They literally took her husband's dead body out of their arms and basically were going to murder each one of them in front of the others. It's just giving them another chance in order to kill them the next year without the husband who has the most common sense in the movie. Not to mention, Grace literally tries to kill her at the very final seconds and she still did nothing about it besides give her a bloody nose.
Also, how the heck did ALL the barricades come down, I thought they only took down the front door. Not to mention the fact of how easily the barricades came down.
BRO, and why do these people really want this random homeless man? I mean they spent all night trying to kill this one random guy when they could go after a lot more. This only happens once a year too, so why waste all your time on your "own people" and a random man?
If the family doesn't even want to partake in the purge, just move to Canada or something.
In conclusion, my friend and I just thought all their decision-making was horrible and nobody had any common sense, the kids were stupid, the mother was stupid, the killers were stupid, and the neighbors were stupid. EVERYONE was STUPID.
pee poo :p