They did nothing to improve issues with the last game, just added more gameplay with it's own issues. The graphics are so gritty that nothing is discernable, the jumping puzzles are absolutely terrible. Even when you know what you have to do, the graphics are so bad you can't tell how to do it. Hills and mountains have so many handholds the it's quicker to run around the mountain than climb over. Battles in 360 degree terrain, but you only see 20 degrees at a time. Seems like the designers got bored with making weapons, and just stopped. Also, how can someone carry 10-15 weapons on them, but only a handful of medicine? Oh, and get used to changing the weapons on the weapon wheel. Every creature needs it's own 2 or 3 weapons, and no creatures match (weapon wheel is a joke). Depending on the puzzle you may need to wait for daylight (or night time) for these graphics to highlight what is needed. I loved the first game, and am enjoying the story, but am very disappointed with this game.