Barbie is a 2023 comedy film directed by Greta Gerwig. The main cast of the movie consisted of Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Will Ferrell, Simu Liu and America Ferrera. It was released on the 20th of July, 2023 with an IMDB rating of 7.5.
There were multiple good aspects of the movie. It was a generally light-hearted movie with myriad comedy scenes. Especially with casting comedy characters such as Will Ferrell and John Cena. It had excellent storytelling and was very easy to understand what was going in the movie. The plot was interesting and would easily engage the audience. The casting of the movie was also very well done, with lots of A-list Hollywood stars such as Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. These two actors had a special bond on screen and perfectly displayed their emotions without failure.
Some of the bad aspects of the movie include the fact that it was slightly inappropriate for kids, despite not being targeted towards young children due to its PG-13 rating. Since Barbie is a children’s toy franchise, obviously children would want to watch the movie. The movie had some scenes and dialogue that the children would not understand due to it being an adult joke or something not fit for their age group. At times the scenes would also not be very child friendly like the dance scene towards the end of the movie. Due to these, it would have been ideal to rate it an M or a more strict PG rating due to it being different from generic PG movies.
Overall the film was a great, light-hearted film with a very good plot and an excellent choice of actors. I would rate the movie an 8 out of 10 due to it being a well thought out movie, with only minimal flaws.