You do not tell the correct information!
Dr. Osterholm said hte response to vaccines takes 14 days--false! It is much fater han 14 days. The elevation in IgM antibodies is evident by days 5-7 after vaccination and the IgG antibody by days 9-11. After day 11, there were almost no COVID infections in the published Moderna and Pfizer studies--before a second vaccination.
Once the immune system has been primed by vaccination or infection, the IgG response is evident by day 3 following re-exposure to the antigen. This rapid response to re-infection accounts for the mild re-infections. There is little data on to know if those with severe re-infection have immune systems that will generate new antibodies as is the case with many of the patient on immunosuppressive agents of malignancies of hte immune system.
Lastly, at least 5% of the population over 70 have demonstrable defects in the B-cell part of the immune system. We do not know if these people respond adequately to vaccination.
If you have "experts," make sure they relate correct, verifiable facts. If they state opinions, then they should say it is their opinion based on ???.