Horribly distorted fake story that has no respect for Japanese history and culture. The author does not have the slightest idea of the time and society, she did not even do basic research, but rather she wrote from her own imagination only. There are numerous misinterpretations and wrong assumptions in what she wrote (and which mostly make no sense), but the main problem is that it is very disrespectful to use the imperial family in the story. She absolutely has no idea of who they were, how they lived and what they represented in the country.
The main child was born in 1940, in the middle of World War II, to an heir to an imperial family and a black American soldier through some brief affair, is something unthinkable. And bringing the child back to her family to raise her was impossible. Remember, we're talking about the 1940s, in the middle of the war, when Japanese were taught and raised to believe that the Emperor was God and that millions had died for Him. I'm not a nationalist, but we should have some respect for the people who lived in that era and lost their lives for the country.