I found this by accident when it was on netflix. It is a curious study - as when I watch it - it really helps me calm, regulate and have hope. The means where the drama is constructed is interesting but also strangely healing. I find it intriguing as a television form.
The location is at the edge of the border between north and south korea and the means in which north korea features into the storyline is moving. But the story also fun, with some light comedic moments.
The location has a lot of nature and it works in the show well. It is really used beautifully as part of the story. the village relevant is in light contrast to profit driven city of Seoul nearby. The community starts off as very alienated from one another, and how they find their way to leaving that alienation and being willing to heal and be in community is simple, and moving.
I found all the characters very well cast- each has their own way of being wounded. Some do damage with their wounds that seems very recognizable as a people one encounters in life - their thawing is great to watch and sometimes I really learned from their courage.
I do not want you to get the impressing that this is syrupy and sweet. It just does a good job of being present to pain and then healing that comes from the right attention to pain. It also imagines that community can happen - and in our alienated world - that is something.
I am grateful for this series and rewatch at times. I honor all the actors and other members of the production crew who created something so simple, compelling and helpful to watch. Thank you.