heck yeah sonic lost world wooooooooooo the good stuff: levels are good. defeating enemies is fun. OP flying kick. bosses are fun. accept for one....[I'm yelling in your FACE, stupid Zavok!] cartoony enemy designs. controls work well. I've gotten use to them. zazz needing a bath. [he's itching!] did I mention cartoony enemy designs? the bad stuff: run button. final boss is...........okay.[ just okay is not okay!] sky road zone 2. frozen factory zone 1 though.....! besides the bad stuff, this game is great, and is recommended if you are bored.PS: if a 9 year old recommends a game to you, you should play! PPS:after I finish school, I rush to my Wii U and start to play! PPPS: this was a long review....ah what the heck!