How do I rate this movie? Well I’ve gone to a lot of new movies recently, and they all, in my view, make one simple mistake: they all feel rushed, like the writers wanted to go to the point too quickly. Not this time. I see this as Dreamwork’s baby. They took their time and no corners were cut. The animation was, as ever, spectacularly amazing. The first movie was far ahead of its time and the sequel’s never pulled a Micheal Bay, they never became lack luster. When I was 7, the first movie came out and it sparked an, if I’m honest, unhealthy obsession. Now it’s 10 years later, that unhealthy obsession is over. That being said, my viewing of HTTYD 3 tonight HAS made me question: Are dragons really myths. And if not, did they look like the movie depicted them? As someone who does occasionally question if what we see IS really it, this movie franchise does make me ponder. If you ask me, there is no greater credit than that.