Beware New Viewers.
As many of my compatriots on here have written...The first episode was terrific. The second was alright. But the third episode was terrible. The show lures you in with a promise and expectation that it does not fulfill.
Agatha, the only lasting character, was amazing. But promising characters, such as Mina and Jonathan from the first episode, were snuffed out. Jonathan seemed like he had the makings of a terrific character (similar to Watson or Will Graham) but the writers got rid of him. Dracula calls Mina bland in the third episode but that is only because the writers made her as such. She had room to grow but the writers did not let her.
Also, taking the show to a modern-day setting was jarring and was done terribly. For some shows, like Sherlock, this can work. But, in this case, Dracula suffered. Making it modern in the third episode (of all times) took the viewer's expectation of an 1800's story and threw it out the window. If by the end of the first, the possibility was made that Dracula was going to be modern, it would have been alright. But since, two hours in, the story changes to a modern setting, the show turned jarring and uninteresting. Imagine watching a two-hour movie and by the end, someone pops out and says, "Surprise, we kidnapped you and brought you to the moon!" It was that jarring.
In the third episode, the new characters introduced were two dimensional. The foundation was not described properly and forgotten. There were so many chances to dwell in the 1800's setting that I'm surprised that the writers did not do so. Dracula's castle, as seen in the first episode, seemed amazing and promising but the show doesn't take advantage of the palace's many rooms and secrets.
To sum it all up: possibilities were wasted.