I think this movie Kong - 💀 Skull Island 🏝️ ... Is a very good movie, and I think" Kong" is so realistic looking ! 😇
Some Comedy, from a Woman and Man in this movie... One part I really didn't like, was really disgusting " to me, is the Giant " Spider. I mean this thing is ( ginormous ) .... It's like, OMG the spider is taller than the trees and sticking down his pointy legs down to kill people. All the GROOSE " guts is what really got me ... SPIDER GOATS ALL POURED ON THE GUY ON HIS BACK IN THE FOREST !!!! AND the close-up of the mouth and the beady red eyes of eight eyes on one side.
And I L💙VE how they play some really good music in this movie . And I like a lot of the classics you just can't hear anymore. Of rock alternative ... And I love they have some top-notch actors in this movie, like John Goodman - and some funny comedian lines some of the actors have. I recognized and noticed about that being John Goodman " right away I was pretty sure and then I looked it up I was right. I always recognize his voice and his face. And Samuel L Jackson ... But I also really hate the part where the giant lizard like monster, eats up the best actor in this movie ... John Goodman "