You have to really try hard to screw up something as big and as recognizable as Witcher's franchise. With it's fanbase established throughout decades, most of us would take upon anything with Witcher's name on it. But Wow, Netflix nailed it again, i mean, they really F'd this one up. I won't go into the detais here on why Blood Origin is completely unwatchable, because i find that there are just way too many reasons. But in my opinion, Netflix managed to ruin yet another great idea. And i dont know if they just trying to stamp these shows one after the other, thinking that people will watch anything anyways, as long as company meet their deadlines. However, some stories deserve better, and fans do too. And i think that if you are unable to create something worthy with name like Witcher, Then just don't pick up these sorts of projects and let someone with a vision produce it, so it doesn't become trash. With all that being said, majority of Netflix's original shows are just "Lacking" and maybe i just expected little more from this one. Oh well, Hope it's just me