I just saw an extraordinary film titled "Black 47" - about an Irish Ranger who was a mercenary soldier for the British in Afghanistan. He deserts the British army and travels back to Ireland to avenge the deaths in his family. 1847 was the worst year in the Irish potato famine, hence the title. It's sorta like Rambo meets St. Patrick and Braveheart, only without the stupid, romanticized, unrealistic Rambo feats. A lot of action, grit, and great acting. You won't see much of the emerald isle. It's winter, and the green sod has given way to fog, frost, browns, and grays. It gave me a new appreciation for what the Irish endured under the British.
If you get a chance, check it out. You might, however, need to drink heavily to get through it. I am about to reach for the Jameson's.