Upon reflecting, I think this is the right time for me to sent a review here.
This album is about the story of a human who's living in this world. From what the person sees the world outside until that environment changes him internally. The environment can have negative and positive effect to every people. That also make the person realize that if that didn't happen to him he will not be as strong as he is now, how to survive and can motivate others. Living here is not easy. I think this will teach us to be soft as well as hard. Soft in the sense of accepting ourselves as who we are and hard that keep our faith strong no matter the world is so unfair and painful. For me, it also strengthen the idea that those who have more experiences are smarter or has true intellect than those who are less. Like the life of Kendrick. He is good because he experience it.
I think my thoughts is some of the message of his masterpiece. There still more about it. As my wholesome friend says that one of the core messages is to never forget where you came from, learn the world around you, and pass your wisdom just like what Kendrick did. Thanks for reading! Thanks for my friend who introduce this to me.