I was really anticipating this movie and I re-read the first book in preparation to watch. There were instances where character said lines directly out of the books and after I watched interviews with Denis Villeneuve (The Director) who clearly has great respect for Frank Herbert. Oscar Isaacs' acting is awesome, along with everyone else's, but his character was a stand out for me. This movie is a retelling of the book so if you read a review wear someone is complaining about visuals... Well unfortunately Dune wasn't written to be a film and it's up to the person adapting it to make it awesome. This is Dennis Villeneuves vision of Frank Herberts work and if you aren't a fan of his film style you might not like this movie. I also am not a fan of the fact that the movie was released as a 2 parter with only part 1 greenlit. It doesn't end with a cliffhanger, unfortunately the movie just doesn't actually end. I still need to recommend you watch it though. I really enjoyed it and I want there to be a sequel so give this great film some support.