I'm no expert reviewer, but I thought it was a terrible movie. Will Smith does NOT know how to sing these songs at all. And the plot wandered around, aimlessly seeking to be more than it actually was. I also feel like the whole feminist thing with Jasmine was weird, because a Disney movie is a hard place to pull that off. Would love to see that in other movies, just not this one where it falls flat on its face. Plus, what was with the Jasmine turning into Thanos part where everyone vanished into thin air? That part was the worst part of the movie, and was really off vibe. And, Aladdin felt more like a pretty boy than anything, could've been much better. We should've called the movie Jasmine, with how much it was unnecessarily focused on her, and used Aladdin more as a peripheral actor. Anyway. I hated this movie. 0 stars. Anyone who says otherwise is naive and starry eyed about the VERY marginal parts that had any merit.