It had it’s moments. I loved all the scenes with Laverne Cox and I’m a fan of Sophie Kinsella, though I’ve never read this book. (I’m not sure how I missed it!) BUT… so much didn’t make sense or many of the details felt so random. Maybe the screenwriter’s adaptation is to blame.
For example:
Did that judgy girl live with Emmy and Lissy? She would just appear, say something obnoxious then leave in a weird outfit. And did she and Emma remain friends after what she pulled?
His secret. I mean, okay… it’s not like there aren’t other people who know this information and sure, protect it as best you can but it felt like a big to-do about nothing, imo.
Why was Emma on the plane at the end? Where was she going? Don’t tell me she actually bought a whole plane ticket to talk him? Hmmm, that feels a tad bit stalkerish.
The actor who played Jack was hot but the “Jack” character was a bit “soft” for my liking. Certainly not a guy who runs a huge corporation.
Jack also had zero reservations about getting involved with an employee. Like, none. Not one thought for how the efforts of a girl trying to make her way up the ranks could be thwarted by his infatuation with her…but I digress.
I think “French” girl especially should have been fired for cruelly teasing Emma after the interview. Right in front of her boss! Over something the owner of the company said! Very unprofessional.
Lots of unnecessary shots of hairy backsides.
Finally, super quirky characters can border on annoying and cringey. I felt this way about at least 3 or 4 characters.
I’m at 3 stars because it wasn’t the worst but it could’ve have been way better.