An enjoyable read but ultimately lacks depth of analysis. There are some very well aimed shots at the Social Justice movement and its authoritarian advocates. However, the book’s branding of all progressives and Democrats as deluded fools is unhelpful and shallow and commits the same offence of blind partisanship that the author (rightly) condemns. While correctly arguing against the uncritical toleration of the intolerant, the book ignores the way that Trump is intolerant of all opposition or criticism and stirs up hatred and violence against his opponents. I rather think the author suffers from the malady he condemns. He is infected by ideology while believing his views to be objective and scientific. I suspect as a college professor, his experience of the intolerance, anger and passion of students and teachers who focus on identity and abstract social justice theories will be particularly intense. In the wider world, things are more ‘dilute’ and the chances of meeting radical culture warriors very much less than on a campus.