I think you are misguided amongst EVANGELICALS. First who are any of you to cast the first stone? We all fall short of the glory of God. Yes his past is his past, whats yours? God has used many inperfect people for His purpose. David, Saul, Soloman ..... all fell short but had their eyes set towards the Lord.
Evangelicals see Trumps downfalls but also his acomplishes and those things that Evangelicals embrace. Actions in many cases speak louder than words. Democrats just do not fall in line and are against even the mideast of CHRISTians. Let alone God, Country, Amendments, Bill of Rights. Evangelicals see the dismanteling of our Constituition and Laws by the liberal left. The left is so out of touch, we just do not see the left ever moving back center or have any sort of MORAL COMPASS.