This is by far one of the best and most phenomenal movies I have ever witnessed. I’ve been in the production business for over 62 years and I’ve never seen a movie quite as fantastic as this one. Some of my own movies include The Yankees I Slaughtered, Cotton Picking Rangers, My Great Life As A Slave, and I’m Like Antique Farm Equipment. Like this movie... all of mine are true non-fiction stories and include realistic scenes and dialogue.
I, as well as my fellow brothers, loved the way our founding fathers (General Lee and President David) delt with the dirty rotten Yankees and allowed us to win the war. The confederate pride that they showed was truly maculate and will last for generations forward.
I feel that it’s predecessor Gettysburg, didn’t show any of this... thus making it not nearly as incredible as Gods and Generals.
I also feel that there are to many damn mentally unstable Yankees runnin’ around sayin’ poor things bout this film. I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE MYSELF CLEAR. This film is wonderful. Y’all can’t hate it until y’all watch it. I assure you. Once y’all watch it, you’ll want to see to again and again. THIS IS ALL HISTORICALLY ACCURATE.