I have never binge watched a show. My family does, but I do not. My son was watching this show one day, so as I was putting wood in the stove, I turned my head and never turned back...I have been trying to fit this show in my schedule any chance I can get. BIg fan of Denis Leary who is adorable in his own psychotic, dysfunctional, compassionate, chick magnet, dry sarcastic way. I have always enjoyed Denis, but this show made me even more of a fan. Foul language, LOTS of sex, spirituality, ghosts, death, drugs, adult situations....it has it ALL. GIves you insight on the scenes in the firehouse and emergency situations/fires in New York. It does not glamorize. Fire fighting is not for sissies. The show does a very respectful job of recognizing and respecting those who we all lost, as a country, in 9/11 that touched all our hearts. It is now 2022, I wonder how this show would do now with people being hyper sensitive.