This show set in a small town sees more crime than a big Metropolis! It is completely unrealistic, I have never seen so much criminal investigations, CSI and Police, RCMP, Interpol, Scotland Yard, etc. in my life! What's next FBI, CIA, DEA, NEST, Homeland Security, I mean this show is absolutely ridiculous! If there is this much crime, then no one should be living in this cozy quaint little town!
Every time something happens in this hick town, it ends up in a twisted investigation that results in somebody being arrested and charged, somebody shot and killed or a body discovered somewhere!
I think what the show has missed out on is the charm and quiet living lifestyle of a bygone era that rarely exists anymore! Having said that, perhaps the show would do very well if it were more focused on Carter taking a break and enjoying his hiatus and occasionally inserting himself in the odd investigation instead of this crazy crime driven town as if its New York City!! There is not a town or county in the world that would have this much crime!!! Thank you!