Picked up this game from April monthly playstation plus, and I gotta say, it really hits that zombie-slaying spot. I'm only about 20 mins into the campaign and I can already tell that the rest is gonna be great. The gunplay is somewhat unique, and the mechanics of the game are creative. However, playing on a PS4, I gotta say the movement is janky and the sensitivity is off no matter what you have it set to. It's easy to get overrun by hordes of zombies, and sometimes the camera has trouble keeping up with the player when you go around corners and stuff. the graphics are about a 7/10, since they look decent in the menus, but aren;t the best in-game. the art style/graphics looks like a hybrid between wasteland 2 and demon souls. one thing i do like about the game is the menu and UI. it's fairly easy to navigate. i LOVE the blockbuster aesthetic in the loading menus, makes me feel like i'm about to watch a movie. another awesome thing about the gunplay is the sniper elite style killcam. if you hit a headshot you get an insanely gruesome but satisfying killcam where the camera tracks the bullet through the air until it hits the zombie. if you're looking for something to take your anger out on without smashing stuff, it's right here. but if you're looking for a story-rich, high budget video game to sink your teeth into, i'm afraid this ain't it chief.