This movie has a wild interpretation of what will happen to the future if Jesus would have died before Christians praised him as the son of God, one thing is for sure, if anything changes in the past surely will change the present, it could be for good or bad, that's why God made sure that Time-Machine will not be invented at all by taking the life of Einstein before he could even formulate the Time Travel formula.
By the way, for our Christian brother "Scipio Africanus" who said Mohammed wrote the Qur'an base on the History of Jesus, it was a total BS, because Qur'an was not written, it was embedded by God (Through "Jibril" (Angel Gabriel the messenger of God) to his brain, directly. That's why there is even a verse in the Qur'an that states how life is created through the womb, which by those time, scientists never even knew it yet. But was already written in the Qur'an.