HILARIOUS, absolutely should be considered dark humor/ horror. If it weren't for the C level actors and barely B level writing and story development Id give this movie 5 stars for the unpredictable comedic factor. I haven't been this entertained at a terrible movie since sheesshh Attack from Mars!? 😂😂seriously. It begins with some decent fear building and uncertainty, decent storyline information intrigues you enough to ignore the slow unconnected lifetime movie level acting. Actually Id describe this as a hardcore Lifetime/Saturday Night Live Skit/Halloween meets mmmm psycho drama and Species, if it were a hilarious comedy. How people watched that tumor without crying laughing, its unbelievable this is a "hollywood" feature film. Ive seen netflix and hulu do better special effects and sheesh the ridiculous simplness of the "monster" we'll call it I figure its all intentionally comical but not everyone is going to get it. Overall an unexpected stomach ache of laughs that began with slight fear😂🤦