When scientists look at the earth and the cosmos without the the priori notion of biblical history, they inevitably reach the conclusion that the earth is much, much older than 10,000 years. Geologists beginning as early as the 18th century came to realize that the Genesis story is mythology. The fossil record--which NEVER has humans and dinosaurs in the same strata--proves the evolution of species. (Darwin's theory is how it happened; that it did is an indisputable fact.) When astronomers see light from galaxies that took billions of years to reach us, they know that the universe is indeed very old. Assuming there is a creator, his, her or its creation is the earth and the cosmos. And the creation is much more reliable than the writings of ancient men. In fact, the early writers of the Genesis story intended it to be symbolic, not literal truth. The video ignores overwhelming evidence from hundreds of years of inquiry by thousands of scientists. They aren't fabricating the story displayed in field museums across the world; they're reporting reality. Those who claim that scriptures written by men are more real than the evidence actual creation are the true heretics.