The woke vultures circled the rights to the LOTR franchise for many years and when they finally got the chance, they buried their well manicured claws into the franchise and turned it into a joke, a big, fat (omg I’m fatphobic), liberal joke.
Forget just for a moment that the show is devoid of any actual entertainment and realize how Amazon literally lied to you about how well the show was doing. Understand how Amazon manipulated viewership numbers or erases negative reviews because the backlash and hatred for the show were overwhelming compared to those who supported it which only happen to be a very small number of people.
Coincidence that the people the show tried to appeal to are also the minority in America? Nope. Rings of Power wanted strong women and people of color to represent the new LOTR image and spoiler alert, the show failed because their target audience doesn’t care! Do you know who cares? White, middle aged nerds. The same white nerds who were called racist, sexist bigots because they found it irrational that middle earth was suddenly flooded with people of color.
Liberal writers once again failed because that’s what they do, they fail. They believe themselves to be much smarter than they actually are and as a result the viewers are given garbage content to watch because the libtards sacrifice quality content for inclusiveness.
I know there is no chance that any of the writers will read the amateur reviews, but just in case one of those pink and blue haired dweebs stumble across this review - y’all failed miserably and you have no idea what the LOTR franchise is or what it means to the fans. Anyone connected to that dumpster fire is a hack, a phony, a fraud, and you should never work in the industry again.