The drama is powerful and filming and acting exquisite. A deep underlying meaningful message is embedded in the theme of this beautifully filmed and exceptionally acted series . It’s very captivating and every scene is carefully planned to capture the emotion and the point in time and historical significance of the pre independence movement. It leaves you thinking…..enough to keep you tensed to continue to the next episode
The final episode is an explosion of sadness and release of grief and it represents the purpose and strength of courtesans and women in the society of that era . Very ‘affecting’ and gave me a glimpse of how the times were then, endured by our parents and grandparents, originating from a culturally powerful society surrounded by architectural beauty and opulent stunning jewellery and gorgeous traditional clothing and a richness of desire and respectful mannerisms, with a curtain of sadness.
Will definitely watch again , in time , to recapture the powerful emotions that were provoked .