H G Wells may not be the one who has conceived the idea of 'time machine' in fiction, he is certainly the one who has made it popular. Before reading ‘The Time Machine’ I was under the impression that the book would be a typical science fiction book. But the author did surprise me with his power of imagination, his philosophical and political ideas. He has depicted the directionless journey of mankind so fantastically that even poets can’t reach the height of his imagination. If you are a socialist, this book is certainly going to impress you limitlessly. Wells has depicted the probable destruction of mankind due to capitalism in more impressive manner than any other Marxian Or socialist philosopher could ever have done. This book has got so much to offer to its readers even if they have nothing to do with Marxism or Socialism. Read it without any presupposition and form your own point of view of the book. The book may change your point of view of life and of this world. Who knows?