This is my first 'souls' game experience. It is hard but this I expected. I became frustrated early on but soon adjusted my gameplay when I realized I just cant go in swinging and take hits and expect to survive (dodging, shield blocks are key). Huge open world with plenty of different enemies and several NPCs that offer supplies for purchase and side quests. The storyline is really intriguing and there are several paths you can take to achieve different game endings. Leveling up your character gets harder as time progresses so be ready to grind! Be prepared to die a lot. Do your research for character builds to help progress in the game easier. Plenty of different weapons, armor, spells, and summons to please anyone who likes these types of games. Overall it's a great game. The only downside for me is that the multiplayer process is terrible. It's very confusing and frustrating to try and co-op with others.