I hate to be critical, but this movie did nothing for me. I am Jewish, and the Jewish themes drew me to it. I liked the gritty setting of New York City and the impoverished feeling of Mishkin's humble apartment. However, I kept waiting for something to happen other than the outsized acting of Zero Mostel. Other than the main character being angry at God for his meager and unfortunate life, I didn't see the point. I did not see the point in Mishkin's relationship with Belafonte, Belafonte's bipolar performance, or why they brought the love interest in for Belafonte after Belafonte was already deceased. I thought it would all be harmonized and explained at the end, but the flying feather in the air did not do that, not even close. I have to say watching this movie was a waste of time. Sorry, I did look for redeeming qualities, but really found none.