Played this game for a few hours. At first I was like ok this is kinda cool, but as I continued down the rabbit hole of giving this game a chance, I was disappointed. This game took Black Ops 3/4 Operator Abilities and somehow made them more unfun to play against. This game also has a huge registration with shots in the game, but a lot of people have already pointed that out. Matchmaking makes all my team mates apes and the enemy team an objective loving feud. This game was fun for the first 1 or 2 days. Now unless you use a sniper or the AK its basically unplayable. I don't think I will even give Season 1 a try because of the facts that they are adding in things that should've been day 1. This is game is sad and I show my remorse for people that Glaze this game like it's gonna kill COD or any other game. Glorified Mobile Game right here folks