I was very disappointed! I think I could have come up with a better storyline. And what happened to the overseers strength from the time he and the beast were inside the water tank to a few seconds later when he used his fist to bash a hole in the tank wall.
I thought it was silly that he no longer had the strength to fight off one human and save himself from having his head held in a puddle. From the beginning to the end I kept waiting for the movie to take off. And I thought Mr. Glass could have had a much more interesting character then the vegetable he was for about 3/4 of the film. What was his problem anyway, I dont remember it being explained why he was a vegetable. Did the drugs make him a mute vegetable? A waste of Samuel Jackson's talent as an actor. I didn't particularly like the movie Split either but thats another story. However, Unbreakable being a Tour de Force such as it is, the movie is worth a watch. Even with its disappointing ending?
If only to see Unbreakable to its end. But not a second watch.