“The road to purpose” is a beautiful story written by Carine Dorlus founder of the non-profit charity Philly4Haiti. I had the pleasure of meeting Carine in person and she is every bit the intelligent, passionate, driven and humble young warrior woman of God portrayed in the story. Because it is her story. Dorlus’ novelette took me a few hours to read because by the end of each emotionally stirring chapter I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes and the gears turning in my brain. Carine’s personal recount of her experiences in Haiti from the people that she helped to all the reasons she loves the country is confirmed not only by her words but by the rich photographs that conclude the book.
Now I will admit if you’re a grammar nahtzee this might not be the book for you. However I guarantee that you will be missing out on an incredible tale of strength, courage, and faith that for me embodies God’s love to give for no other reason than there is a need and you have it to give. From beginning to end it caused me to reflect on the person I want to be and what mark will I leave on the world when all that’s left is my memory. I thank her for sharing and await more!