First off I love RE I'VE been playing scents Nintendo 64 and I'm only righting this review because it seems as though everyone on here are sellouts either that or your brains have come to A complete standstill no matter no matter I'm here to save the day or destroy it that's up to you to decide first of all I'd like to start off on A positive note some of the cut Sean's was amazing now as for the rest I've never played A modern game where the controls was so clunky for me it was impossible to walk in A straight line and every time you try to avoid A zombie the caricature drifts towards your attacker and even after your long past reaching dissents they somehow get a hold of you anyway as for the caricatures they all seem to have bipolar disorder one second they're trying to kill each other the next they're best friends so not only was the interactions confusing at best in every way it was covered up with cheap and mind numbing emotion that left me wanting them all to die including the little girl playing her was my least favorite part of the game her emotional state felt extremely forest and her only super powers was squats and at the end she seemed relieved her mother was died so was I oh yes and the tyrant caricature he's supposed to be Scary right 👎 once you figure out that you can run circles around him there's no fear factor what so ever and he just becomes annoying his most appealing characteristic is when his hat goes flying when you shoot him in the face and did anyone else notice how every thing you need in game was on the opposite side of the map from where you needed it to be lazy lazy I honestly believe this game was made for the sole purpose of trolling the die-hard fans of re this game is A insult to the Resident evil universe in short two thumbs way way way down